Friday, 10 February 2012

Big Shot Circle Die Fabric Carnation Flower

Big Shot Carnation TutorialI discovered that you can use your big Shot Circle die to make a carnation look alike flower while making a bouquet for a bride recently...

It is a little fiddly however the results are quite nice....

I can not wait to try these out with some Stampin' UP! fabric!!!!

Step 1 - Cut out Circles

You need to cut the largest size circle and some roughly 15cm lengths of wire

Step 2 - fold Circles
 Fold circle in half 3 times
Step 2 - Fold Circle in Half 2nd time
Step 3 - Fold in Half again
Step 4 - Make a loop in Wire
 Make a loop in the wire approximately 2 to 3cms from the end.

Place loop over the end of the cone shaped material

Step 5 - Place loop over pointed end of cone shape

 Wrap wire around making sure that you catch the bottom of the cone in the wire and wrap TIGHT & CLOSE!!! this secures the fabric so that it does not come out.

Step 6 - Wind wire around
Step 6 - Wind wire around a few times

Wrap around at least 5 to 6 times.....

Step 7 - It Should Look like this

 Repeat this step three times

Repeat several times to make more petals

Grab 4 Wired circles togetherSecure all three together by wrapping one of the wires round all three.
Wind one of the wires around to join all 4

It should look like this

Take each bud and stretch material to puff apart fabric

Stretch our the material on each bud

And Whalah... you have a lovely look alike fabric Carnation.....

Once all stretched it should look like a Carnation

And here is the finished product.... Beautiful Modern yet traditional bouquets of silk flowers....

Fabric Carnation and Ostrich feather Bridesmaids Bouquets

Fabric Carnation and Ostrich feather Brides Bouquet - with a little blue


  1. Hi Ursula, What beautiful bouquets! Thanks so much for the great tutorial. What gauge and type of wire do you use for this sort of thing?

    Thanks :-).

  2. Hi Sam... Thanks...
    The wire i used was 24gauge... however if you are going to be doing LOADS I would use thinner wire cause your fingers hurt real bad after a while!!!

    I also used florist wire and tape to make the stems longer and stronger so they could be added to the bouquets...

    If you would like to do these flowers to add on a card I recon you could sew them rather than wire and then you could hot glue them to the card.. that may be something I will try when I get my order of SU fabric soon....

    Enjoy playing.... xxxxoooo


Handcrafted by Ursula's Fan Box
